Subject-verb agreement is an essential grammatical rule that every aspirant appearing for bank exams must know and understand. It is an essential skill that plays a crucial role in determining one`s proficiency in the English language.

Subject-verb agreement refers to the correct matching of the subject of a sentence with its corresponding verb form in terms of number and person. In simpler terms, the verb of a sentence must agree with the subject in terms of whether it`s singular or plural.

Let`s take a look at some examples.

Incorrect Usage: The bank staffs is very helpful.

Correct Usage: The bank staff is very helpful.

In the above example, we corrected the error by replacing “staffs” with “staff” to match the singular subject “bank staff.”

Incorrect Usage: Neither the manager nor his team were able to attend the meeting.

Correct Usage: Neither the manager nor his team was able to attend the meeting.

In the above example, we corrected the error by replacing “were” with “was” to match the singular subject “neither the manager” and “nor his team.”

Incorrect Usage: The documents required for opening a bank account is a valid ID proof and an address proof.

Correct Usage: The documents required for opening a bank account are a valid ID proof and an address proof.

In the above example, we corrected the error by replacing “is” with “are” to match the plural subject “documents.”

It`s essential to understand that subject-verb agreement is not only limited to singular and plural forms. It also includes the agreement between the subject and the verb in terms of the person.

Incorrect Usage: Me and my sister is planning to open a joint bank account.

Correct Usage: My sister and I are planning to open a joint bank account.

In the above example, we corrected the error by placing the subject “my sister and I” before the verb and replacing “is” with “are” to match the plural subject “we.”

Correct usage of subject-verb agreement not only improves the grammatical accuracy of an aspirant`s writing but also enhances their communication skills. It helps in conveying the intended message clearly and effectively.

In conclusion, aspirants appearing for bank exams must focus on mastering the rules of subject-verb agreement. It is an essential skill that will aid them in answering the English language section of the exam with confidence.